Iaa Transportation special
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Safety of Life

Built-in, not bolted on!

Adapting space technologies for road applications.

Using ground-breaking space technologies, we can accurately monitor highly automated vehicles in real time, ensuring safe and efficient operation.

Mission Control

Go for Launch!

Monitoring highly automated
vehicles with space technology.

Using ground-breaking space technologies, we can accurately monitor highly automated vehicles in real time, ensuring safe and efficient operation.
Some of our clients
A new era

The Future of


The automation of mobility is revolutionizing the way we all move. The German Autonomous Driving Act and Regulation are already providing the legal framework for highly automated applications in logistics and public transport
more than a trend


and connected

The combination of automation and connectivity is transforming our mobility infrastructure. It enables optimised traffic management, reduced congestion, improved safety and sustainability, and faster emergency response.
the challence

Monitoring of

Operational Domains

Highly automated driving requires more than advanced vehicle technology. Taking a cue from aviation, where airport environment monitoring has long been standard practice, the limited sensor visibility of highly automated vehicles needs to be complemented by a dedicated roadside monitoring system.

Pillars of Automated Mobility


Without intelligent data fusion and operational domain monitoring by vehicle-external sensors, certified automated mobility in routine operation is not possible.

Safety and Security

In order to meet the highest requirements and reliability, safety and security should be integrated into the system design from the outset.


Cost-effectiveness is increased through cross-modal digital infrastructures and data.
Die Berücksichtigung ist essenziell um die Automatisierung voranzutreiben
The ROad to success


Domain Monitoring

For highly automated applications, permanent monitoring of communication, navigation and surveillance data is a safety-critical factor. Intelligent real-time analysis and live monitoring of a highly automated vehicle are the basic services we provide to our customers: Technical Supervision.
safe Satellite navigation as a key factor

Satellites always

in View

Our Mission Control system uses special algorithms and artificial intelligence to evaluate navigation data and its continuity and integrity in real time. This enables us to make accurate predictions and identify potential problems at an early stage, ensuring maximum safety and efficiency.
CYBER-Secure Monitoring of data links



Monitoring and evaluating the data links between highly automated vehicles and our Mission Control is a key part of our work and a legal requirement. Guaranteed low-latency bandwidth is essential for smooth system operation and reliable data exchange.
Next-Generation Monitoring by Experts



Our Mission Control system is operated by trained and certified personnel who provide continuous monitoring of the systems. Their expertise and experience ensure smooth operation and the best possible service for our customers.
MULTI-PROJEcT MANAGEMENT for highly complex projects

Success through Competence

With in-depth knowledge of systems engineering and proven expertise in multi-project and training management, we can meet your most complex challenges. Our experts efficiently navigate demanding project landscapes and ensure the smooth and successful delivery of your projects.
Service request
MultiprojektmaNAGEMENT VON hochkomplexeN systemEN

Erfolg durch


Mit einer tiefgreifenden Kenntnis von Systems Engineering und einer bewährten Kompetenz im Multiprojektmanagement meistern wir Ihre komplexesten Herausforderungen. Unsere Experten navigieren effizient durch anspruchsvolle Projektlandschaften und stellen sicher, dass Ihre Vorhaben reibungslos und erfolgreich umgesetzt werden.

How we are driving progress today

SAE-Level 4

SAE Level 4 truck automation is the next logical step in meeting the growing demands of logistics and addressing the driver shortage.

Integrity Monitoring

Existing Global Navigation Satellite Systems and new navigation satellites in low earth orbit will enable standard operation for highly automated applications. We ensure the integrity of these signals and data.


When you run highly automated applications in safety-critical areas such as airports, the key phrase is "be on the safe side". And that is exactly what we are here for.

Our Vision

At DiMOS, we are shaping safe, economical and sustainable mobility for a better world through innovative space technologies and infrastructure-based automation.
Become part of our vision